Unite Against Rideshares!

It’s time to Unite! we are beginning to organize against TNC’s here in San Diego (Uber, Lyft, Sidecar, etc.) and we need your help! Stop by the office between 10AM and 4PM on Monday’s and Tuesday’s, We will let you know our plan!

Airport Victory 6.23.16 (Video and Pictures)

Congratulations drivers! Today’s Airport meeting went very well! UTWSD advocated to level the playing field between taxis and rideshares. Agenda Item 13 would have allowed rideshares to remain at the Airport permanently. After speakers and discussion and many unanswered questions by rideshare companies, the board voted to extend the program as a pilot instead of making it permanent until the questions […]

VOTE 2016

Below is UTWSD Voter Guide for the June 7th Primary! If you’ve already received your mail ballot, sign, date, put a stamp on it and send it in as soon as possible! The below candidates and initiatives have proven to be good for workers and our communities, most importantly our very own Sarah Saez for District 9 City Council! YOUR VOTE […]