Taxicab Advisory Committee (TAC) ELECTIONS!!!

A little background….. The Taxicab Advisory Committee (TAC) was established in September of 1994 to provide feedback and direction to the Metropolitan Transit System (MTS) board for action on the taxicab industry’s concerns. Since March 2010, UTWSD members and its dedicated staff have pushed to improve the taxicab industry by restructuring a board no longer reflective of the industry, by […]

Know Your Rights & Responsibilities!

Rights: Leases: There’s a problem with the leases and we are working to fix it so that they are written with protections for drivers. In the mean time you should ask for a copy of the papers before you sign them in order to consult with UTWSD legal representatives. Remember you have the right to get your agreement document. If […]

Limited Authorization of Sheriff ID Confiscations

After extensive communication between the San Diego Sheriff’s Department and the UTWSD including our volunteer attorney Monisola Kehinde and the ACLU of San Diego we were able to achieve a policy reform victory that limits the authority of law enforcement officials to confiscate drivers’ Sheriff’s Licenses. We thank the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department for ensuring that a taxi driver’s […]