UTWSD says “No” to Prop 22

UTWSD says “No” to Prop 22

Say “No” to Prop 22 Uber and Lyft pay their CEO’s millions, while drivers make less than minimum wage and are denied benefits like health insurance and unemployment benefits. Now, they’re spending $200 million to pass Prop 22 – a law they wrote themselves that would allow them to exploit drivers in perpetuity. We’re encouraging everyone to vote NO on […]

UTWSD is proud to be part of the Census 2020!

UTWSD is proud to be part of the Census 2020!

Throughout Count Me 2020, UTWSD did 300 pledge cards, 120 magnet advertisements, phone banking 1000, and help our members fill the census online. We did the pledge cards in City Heights, Lemon Grove Imperial, and the total impression were 300. The phone banking total impression was 1000. UTWSD also did a magnet advertisement on 120 magnets and paid the drivers […]

Vote “Yes” on Measure C

Vote “Yes” on Measure C

UTWSD supporting “Yes” on C UTWSD is Supporting Yes on C! March 3rd Primary Election Day. As a part of tourism/transportation workers, we need to support Measure C –when we expand the convention center creates more opportunity for our Union members and our community. This creates more than 7,000 jobs. Please join us voting “Yes” on C!