Fare Is Fare: Cab Drivers Cry Foul Over Special Privileges for Natural Gas Taxis at Love Field

Fare Is Fare: Cab Drivers Cry Foul Over Special Privileges for Natural Gas Taxis at Love Field Dallas —  “Hundreds of drivers marched around the reflecting pool at 9 a.m. waving American flags, shouting for justice and repeating their threat, “No Taxi! No Super Bowl!” While the city’s touting the policy as a clean-air measure, letting natural gas-powered cabs jump […]

String Of Robberies Have Taxi Drivers Worried

String Of Robberies Have Taxi Drivers Worried ATLANTA — “A string of taxi cab robberies in metro Atlanta has cabbies concerned and on high alert. The president of the Atlanta Taxi Cab Industry Association said Atlanta police told him eight cab drivers were robbed in the city of Atlanta within 24 hours this weekend alone. Channel 2 has confirmed at least […]