Congratulations Bob Filner for Mayor WINS!

VICTORY for working people!! Thank you to the entire UTWSD team who tirelessly worked to mobilize their community, knock on  over 5,000 doors and made phone calls up Unitl the Day of Elections for Bob Filner for Mayor!! Today is a better world for San Diego and our country. Our extreme gratitude to everyone who worked so hard for this! TOGETHER WE WON!

Your VOTE Made A Difference! Here’s to a Better San Diego!

In Solidarity,

The United Taxi Workers of San Diego

The Propositions We Also Helped Pass:

MTS Meeting Recap: UTWSD Fights For Transparency & Public Safety!

Today the San Diego taxi industry is closer to coming out of the shadows of the underground economy. The city’s MTS Board voted to include provisions that will require owners to keep driver leases as well as receipts for the thousands of dollars they collect in lease payments that will be available to drivers upon request. UTWSD spoke on Item […]