Congratulations New TAC Members!

We would like to congratulate and welcome the new members of MTS’s Taxi Advisory Committee! Congratulations Mr. Alfed Banks, Mohamed Omar, Abel Seifu and Tarik Afifi! These lease drivers have step up to represent YOU lease drivers and owner-operators to improve the taxi industry for all of us. UTWSD will be helping to prepare and guide our new representative to […]

IMPORTANT UPDATE: Permit Holder TAC Elections

OWNER-OPERATOR TAC ELECTIONS VOTE ABEBE ANTALLO Attn. Owner-operators: After speaking with MTS we have been updated that each owner-operator vote is determined by the number of permits you have. So if you have 1 permit, you have 1 vote. Since many of the new owner-operators only have one permit we are asking everyone to support our Brother Abebe Antallo! Abebe […]

About The Taxi Advisory Committee

The Taxicab Advisory Committee: Provides feed back on taxicab matters destined for Board action Reviews summaries of administrative hearing officer decisions concerning taxicab owner and driver penalties Resolves taxicab owner’s written grievances Reviews summaries of complaints concerning taxicab service Reviews vehicle inspection criteria, process, results, and rankings Reviews the annual fee schedule Approves taxicab rates of fare for the City […]