Airport Authority Agendas – 12/7/2017

UTWSD friends and allies is going to go back the airport Authority on 12/7/2017 regarding these two agendas: 16. TRANSPORTATION NETWORK COMPANY (TNC) PERMIT APPLICATION UPDATE AND APPROVED CONTINUATION OF THE TNC PERMIT PROGRAM: The Board is requested to renew the permit. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution No. 2017-0110 approving the continuation of the Transportation Network Company operations at San Diego International […]

Mortgage Assistance for Union members

  Union Members, I take very seriously the proposition of homeownership and the difference it can make for union families. We wanted to make sure that union households have access to a mortgage provider that’s looking out for their best interests. One that knows what it’s like to look at the bills after a day on the strike line. A […]

Announcing the OPEIU Free College Benefit

OPEIU is pleased to introduce the newest union benefit for all OPEIU members – the OPEIU Free College Benefit. Just as the name implies, OPEIU members and their families can now earn an associate degree completely free of charge. With all the expenses working families have to deal with these days, it’s good to know that meeting the costs of rising […]