For Immediate Release: Judge’s Ruling Advances United Taxi Workers Effort to Lift the Cap!

PRESS RELEASE April 29, 2015 For Immediate Release Judge’s Ruling Advances United Taxi Workers Effort to Lift the Cap! United Taxi Workers of San Diego applaud Judge Prager’s ruling to allow the taxi permit process to go forward and understanding that City Council and the Metropolitan Transit System (MTS) passed this resolution with the best interest of San Diego residents […]

Judge rejects injunction request in tentative ruling | UT-San Diego

By David Garrick7:03 P.M.APRIL 27, 2015 DOWNTOWN SAN DIEGO — San Diego’s controversial plan to deregulate its taxi industry got a boost on Monday when a judge rejected a request to delay deregulation until an environmental lawsuit over the policy change is resolved. In a tentative ruling posted Monday afternoon, Superior Court Judge Ronald Prager rejected the lawsuit’s request for […]